We are human beings, without one another support we can't live our life. in this day people are becoming advance and as the living standard improve that much demand as also increase. there are many people who are playing many role. this all make easy to fulfill the demands, this is also one kind of relationship but today what i am ganna talk is about the relation ship between girls and boys, man and women. there are lots of things that makes the good relations ship hard to maintain in the society. one of the main things is what i was talking at top, i think you all get that what was that. i was talking about the demands. when you born in this beautiful but struggle world, you don't have anythings to show but when you grow up you earn some thing. some earn money only, some earn money with prestige too, some earn prestige only, etc. now the points come here demand f you have somethings and other don't have that things than, that person demands to have that but when you don't have that things and your friends have than you will demand to have that. this make vest difference in the relationship.
in this world there is three kind of living standard which are:
1: low or poor living standard
2: middle class living standard
3:high class living standard
In the relationship which is mix between this three classes than I think that relationship will not stay for long. Is not only many saying but if wanna know about this kind of case than you can found lots at your society. This kind of relation looks very beautiful at first and its seems very pretty. But this kind of relations become worst at end. I know don't have this experience about this but I did saw lots of relation that's was broken in short time. In this kind of relation than there will be dominate how is poor and who is dependent.
There is relations in which there is both are from equal living standard, this kind of relation will last for long time.This is because there are lots of things that are require for them to leave the or run the relationship. Demands always comes inside this. if the living standard of the family or the couple is same then, there will be lots of understand and can understand each other. If the understand in there at relationship than that relationship will be very strong. That doesn't not fall and give up in simple and common case. But is doesn't mean that this kind of all relations works but some times there may be some error too.
Main things should maintain in the relationship is understand and tolerate. Fight may be take place time to time, but its doesn't mean that if one person is angry than you also come at same place, its wrongs!
We have a thought that is " If the one is fire than other should be water''
Most of you know what this mean but still I wanna say some things. this above sentence describe that if the one member of your family than you should tolerate him or her. This will help to kill the angry feeling of the that persons. This is the best way to save your relationship from broke up. This kind of things should be take care by the member of the family.
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Thank you all!!!!
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