Friday, December 5, 2014

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How to change your video browser

             How to change the browser of video

This is 21st century, we can do many things in the simple computer. we daily watch different video and listening songs for the most of the time...... To day i wanna teach you guyz about how to change your video browser...  you guy have to follow the below points:

1st: We have to select the video which we wanna or wanna want to change the browser..... first step is to select the video........

  2nd: After selecting the video.... you have to click the right bottom by putting your mouse arrow by clicking on the selected video......

3rd: After clicking that you can see the below screen just like in the 3rd photo...

4th: Than click on change to change your video browser as you want just like in the given  picture....

After that select which one you wanna used as the browser and which one you like most.......

After that press okay than.... you are at the last moment.....

5th: After this, if you wanna make sure you had done or not than you can see in the picture...... check out the box which i had round by the given bracket..... if there is change than its is done....

6th: last things we have do is that click < Apply > after applying you.. you are at the last stage that is click ok...... 

after that your browser will change than you can watch your video as your wished browser....

  keep reading my blog.... please keep on supporting on me..........

                   thank you so much!!!!!

how to increase the page view of your site

         This day many of you boys and girls love to read and write blog. Blog is the best ways to express your thinking ways or your view toward the people. The way you think that may be works for the people of the different countries of different people. Today I wanna talk somethings about the blog. we used blog for different propose in different ways. When I started my blog I don't have any idea about the blog but when my brother tell me about this I like this so such. Just like this I have many other blogs which I don't used now but, now I have a blogger and I have a good ways and good thinking ways about the blogger and its blogs. I don't get time to update every day but I used to write one blog in one week but still I have viewer from the different countries. Many of those had read my blog and had a great idea which I had share in my blogs. Now I wanna tell you somethings about the ways to improve the your blogs. Yeah many of you guyz have different idea about the ways to improve your blog. But today what I wanna share is that stumbleUpon

Anyone can login in this site and you can update your posts in stumbleupon for the increase your post view. You can have thousand of the post who had update on this link. most of the people used to login in this site to increase their page view. If you wanna hold great and high page view in this site than you have choose the best title for the blog. How much your blog is good your view will be more..

But leaving this you can do other ways of the blogging. You can add your post and page in this different link by paying money to the different site which are popular. but what I said to you is that just start Stumbleupon by today to increase your page  view.

Thank you guyz..... I hope you all will love to try this site.......
                  Thank you all!!!!

How to control the habits of smoking

We all know that smoking kills us........ but the number of smoker is very high in all the country. there are many organization to stop the smoker. but the situation is till the same as before. Many tv program show that smoking kills ... but the smoker don't mine about that. every days thousand of people died because of the smoking. But they still don't care about that. Number of smoker is still increasing day by day...... smoking is the best way of hugging the death who care about that. the literacy rate is increasing day by day but its can't stop the smoker from smoking. than what is the advantages of educate people in the world. Smoke kills the smoker but with the smoker they effects other people too.
                                  Today I wanna share about the ways to stop smoking. to stop smoking is not a small things, its very hard. when the people started smoking they can't stop their bad habits. But today I have some idea which should followed by you and the government of the stage too.
we know that smoking decrease our life. But still lots of young star as well as elder are taking smokes.
I have some idea.. which may works for the smoker to stop the smoking habits.

1: First things is to do is that, as we know that awareness is the best   things to do to stop the smoking, we should take helps from the different organization and the government to stop the smoking and to decrease the number of the smoker. 

2: Second things is to do is that, We have different re-habitation club in the different parts of the country.. some are build by the government which may be free but some are build by the privet sector which need money to do their works, its depend upon the sector.

3:Third things to do is that, we can find different types of the video which show the effects of the smoking. people who can't stop their habits and for those person who don't wanna leave their smoking habits. We should show this kind of the videos to those, which make them.

4:  Forth and last things we can do is that, smoker can create the situation which make them force to leave that habits. I was talking about the situation just like mother, father, sister, or other.. they don't want you to behave like that .... and so on which is that best ways.. love can change everyone. love have and belief have that much power to stop this kind of the problem if we try to stop this kind of the situation.

               This are the some of the ways to stop the smoking habits of smokers...
I hope this may works for someone and someone be save from the death....
                    Thank you guyz for reading this.............

money money and money

                               money money money

As we born in this struggle world, some had good and enough things and there demands were fully filled, but there are those always who didn't have any things to show and anythings to make that 'there are to in this world'. I am talking about the poor people, think you in your self and read more......

                      money for which people died and for what people talk a life of other. money make all the problems. this make me think like this that 'did money make us or we make money'....very one know that we made money, money didn't make us..... this money had a great position in this struggle world... everyone died for this...

                       rich lost those all life by saving their money and poor people those people who lost there life in earning the money. 

                     this save our life, this kill us too....if you have more than that is a problem and if you don't have than its is also a problems. person who have more money, they died by thinking that anyone ganna take that from them and poor people died by thinking that they will be rich one day..... but they didn't care about the great thinks which they have.... when they have money they think that they can do any things. And person who don't have money they think that they can't do anythings..... now check that make people poor but weak too....

How to choose the best and better shoes

              how to choose the best and good shoes

last time we talk about how to buy the basket shoes, but now we are going to talk about the how to buy the style shoes. To have a style shoes we have a some ways which are as follow:

1: first check the shoes which are of best brand, and which new in the market. its doesn't matter that how much its cost less or more. but when you talk about the style most of them are expensive and of high quality too.


  this kind shoes are expensive and very styles, didn't mean that this kind of shoes are suitable for all the person. according to the dress up shoes should be different. this kind of shoes are good for the shout and for the person who wear the chose pant.

2: next is for the cool person they mostly like basket shoes but some of them don't know what kind of shoes for them i have a great choose. if the person have a good height than its will better to wear the plan shoes.just like:

 and if your height is not that much good mean short than, tounge shoes will be good for you all:

check this out i hope you all will like this so much try.

how to make your draw well

                      How to make your draw well 


  To i have a good topics to tell. this is about the drawing, the arts of writing by which you can make or transform the object in paper. this is called drawing. we all have somethings to prove our self, and which help us to make a place at environment to live. person who are good in drawing they mostly used to be peace living person and they be kind heart too. here at this 21century drawing works as the incomes sources of the people for their daily life.

things to know:

(some of important things to tell you all is that if you are drawing than draw of your opposite sex, your lovely one and what you like,etc because to draw this kind of drawing your skills,your care, your love, your attraction also works.) 

                             Now i have some ways and some ideas to draw a good drawing and simple drawing.  following are some of the way to draw:

1: if you want the best than you must do very hard works and have to be very peace that you can convey your feeling on draw. this kind of drawing are very popular in this world which express the feeling.

2: if you want learn to make a person face than you must know how to started and how to end this become very important things while drawing the face. if you are not sure from where to start than that will make harm to your drawing at the last. this concept always works while drawing the face.

3: next if you want common drawing than you much have a peaceful heart which is very important in the case of drawing. if you want to make common drawing than make a simple types of drawing.

4: if you wanna know how to make drawing than you can try simple and easy drawing for starter and after keep on trying hard and harder. when you feel easy to draw that than that will help you to start you facial drawing.

5: if you want to make a very simple draw. you can do but first try some very simple and easy drawing to start your drawing.

( this works at every step: if the draw which you ganna make is in black and white colour than that will be easy to draw and understand.)

some advantage of drawing : 

* when you are good at drawing that make your easy to read other facial expression.

* if you are good at drawing than that will make you easy to copy other handwriting.

*if you are good at drawing than every people will know you and your skills.

*if you have this skills than you can money too,etc



                 thank you all to read my tips ........


I am Tenzin Choephel Sherpa. I am one who leads this site and gives idea to you people. by your supports I am able to write this much posts. I hope you guyz will supports me at future.

  Name : Tenzin Choephel Sherpa
 Caste  :  Sherpa
  Id  :{} / { gmail Id}
 Country : Nepal
 Contract no: 9818764018

Thank you guyz for reading this site and for your supports and you view.

                                         Thank you !!